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Our mission is to help you find JOY in your parenting journey!

Stay’n’Play Parenting is owned and operated by Jessica Tiefenbach. She is a mother to four children, her eldest was born in 2012, her second was born in 2015, her third was born in 2018, and her fourth was born in 2020. In 2016, Jessica completed her Early Childhood Education through SIAST distance classes, which allowed her to stay home, raise a family, and operate her previous preschool business.

She also uses ASL regularly in her home and is a Baby Sign Language Instructor, and a Positive Discipline Educator.

Early Communication
Jess knows first hand the frustrations lack of communication brings, as her own daughter was diagnosed with a hearing loss at 16 months. Our Sing and Sign Play Groups utilizes a variety of fun, interactive activities to help you communication with your child earlier!

Potty Training
Potty training is a huge and daunting milestone! Jess has combined her own experience potty training her own kids, and the Positive Discipline methods to create a one of kind potty training class that gives parents the confidence needed to take the plunge into this exciting milestone!

Positive Discipline Parenting
Parenting is full of ups and downs! Jess understands that parenting requires a sense of humour, and loves to share stories of her own parenting journey. She also understands the frustrations that parents have with their children, and the need for support as they navigate their unique parenting joureny. Her hope is that parents will find joy in their parenting journey, and enjoy the little mishaps that happen along the way.

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